Latest News

Kit Order

The window for ordering kit is now open. Items available to order this time are polo shirts, hoodies (both full and zipped) and shorts. Order forms are in the club room so please order your swimmers kit ASAP. All orders placed this time will be delivered before our Home Champs in November. This will be the last kit order of 2021 so please get your orders in before the 11th September

Squad Fee Increase – July 2021

We recently sent an email to all parents explaining why squad fees would have to increase. This is due to circumstances beyond our control and we thank you for your understanding. Fees are increasing by £2 per month for our A and B Squads and by £1 for our Improving Swimming squads and Dolphins. This change in fees will take place from 1st July 2021. Despite this increase, we still remain one of the cheapest clubs in Doncaster! 

Volunteers Week

As it is Volunteers Week, we’d like to say a heartfelt “Thank you’ to all the volunteers who give up their time for free and work tirelessly week in and week out to make Adwick Swimming Club the success that it is. We are incredibly grateful for the time you all put in to give our swimmers such fantastic opportunities.
We really appreciate each and everyone of you ❤

Update on spectators

Spectator update!
Parents will be allowed on the balcony from Thursday 3rd June. There is a limit to how many spectators can be on the balcony, this means that only one spectator per swimmer can be on the balcony. Parents will not be allowed in the changing rooms, our swimmers have proven they can get changed by themselves so they must continue to do so. Once all swimmers are in the changing rooms spectators can then go up to the balcony. You must remain seated on the balcony. Once swimmers start to leave the pool, spectators will need to leave the balcony and exit the building and wait for their swimmers outside. If these rules aren’t followed then we may have to return to no parents on the balcony again.