League Galas

League Galas
Adwick Swimming Club currently competes in the Barnsley Minors League which is made up of teams from all over Yorkshire. We are currently in Division 1 and compete in the league against Rotherham Metro, City of Sheffield and Stocksbridge.
These are team events where the whole team competes against other clubs from Doncaster and beyond, gaining points from individual races and team races (relays) made up of swimmers from different age groups according to the rules of each league.
Team selection for these galas is made by the Head Coach after consultation with other coaches and the Aquasoft Performance Manager software. Aquasoft Performance manager is the clubs database and it tracks the swims and times of every swimmer from Adwick Swimming Club. After every gala (both for Adwick and Dartes), the times for each swimmer competing are uploaded and adjustments made.
Team Selection explained
In most cases the fastest swimmers are selected to represent the club at league galas. Adwick Swimming Club will always compete on a ‘swim to win’ basis. The only exception to this is where swimmers are not available due to other commitments or if a swimmer is ineligible due to the rules of the league.
The gala team availability form will be emailed out well in advance of the gala date showing venue and warm up time. Every swimmer who is eligible to swim in this gala will be sent this form from across our competitive A & B squads. We expect everyone who is able to compete at the gala to fill in the form with their name and state if they are available or unavailable to swim at the fixture.
The gala availability form will be closed approximately 2 weeks before the gala so the Head Coach can see who is available and select the team accordingly. We can only usually choose 4 male and 4 female swimmers from each age group and we could fill some age groups several times over so please do not be disappointed if your child is not chosen on this occasion.
One week before the gala, the final team selection sheet will be placed on the noticeboard and in the clubs closed Facebook group. This is the team that we have chosen to represent Adwick at the gala and we expect everyone to be available to swim for us on the day.
Selected swimmers who do not attend without informing the Head Coach or any other of the Adwick coaches prior to the event are letting Adwick and the rest of the team down. We cannot swim a relay with 3 swimmers and failure to turn up means those 3 swimmers in your team do not get a swim. Swimmers who do not turn up may not be selected for future galas.